The holidays are coming and with them come party guests and visiting family members. You’ll be cooking amazing meals, hanging wreaths, and decorating a tree, maybe lighting a menorah. Why not add to the joy by changing the paint in one of the spaces you and your guests are sure to enjoy this holiday season.

The first space that invites you in is the entryway. First and foremost, choose a color that makes you feel at home and your guests feel welcome. When choosing a color, keep in mind the color scheme of the other rooms in your home so that you can create a continuous look. Then, choose a classic color that will last a while. For a bit of romance, choose a dusty rose. For a more traditional feel, try navy or a dark teal. Soft, greenish blues invoke the sights and sounds of the ocean offering a calm, relaxing atmosphere. Like your favorite song, the entryway paint color sets a tone for your guests’ experience in your home.
No matter how large your home or how many rooms you have ready, everyone gathers around the island in the kitchen, glasses of wine in hand and stimulating conversation filling the space. It’s almost as if the island is the new dining room table! Balance the space with either a bold paint color on the walls and white cabinets or a warming neutral on the walls and a deep color on the cabinets that adds texture and interest. This holiday season you can decorate and display a trendy look by painting your kitchen cabinets, or maybe just the island cabinets with a moody green. Try Peale Green or Caldwell Green by Benjamin Moore or Pewter Green by Sherman-Wiliams. You will not only be choosing one of the most popular holiday colors, but you will be bringing a modern touch to your kitchen as well.
Living Room
If your guests ever leave the kitchen, they’ll head to the cozy couch in your living room to watch A Christmas Carol. When choosing a paint color for your living room, you will want the perfect backdrop for your furniture. Not many of us want to spend their holiday gift money on all new furniture! Think also of your wall art and accessories. Maybe the best living room paint color is one that looks beautiful in the glow of candlelight or the light from your wood-burning fireplace.
No matter where you entertain this holiday season, the most-used spaces of your home will benefit from a fresh, new paint color. Call AG Williams Paints for your estimate today.