After you’ve invested time and energy in transforming your interior paint, the next step is to protect and preserve those carefully-chosen colors. Life happens, bringing along scuffs, dings, and scratches as little mementos along the way. With the right preparation and proactive TLC, however, you can successfully keep your fresh paint looking fresh. Your Interior…
Read MoreIf you follow our blogs, you know by now that we are major proponents of quality work, ongoing maintenance, and finding a trustworthy professional to meet your needs. Today, let’s focus on maintenance. Some homeowners feel that it’s best to wait until the very last possible moment to care for your home’s surfaces, interior or…
Read MoreAs you plan your exterior painting update, you have a lot to consider. Color, brand (invest in high-quality paint!), quantity, and, of course, how many coats to apply. You don’t want to overdo it, but you also certainly don’t want to apply too thin a coating either. Exterior paint provides too much essential protection and…
Read MoreIf you’re planning a home improvement project this spring, whether it’s a kitchen remodel, fresh exterior paint, or a gorgeous new deck, you likely are focusing on the finished product. That’s the fun part, right? Imagining what a new space or surface could be like after all is said and done. The first step, however,…
Read MoreOver the years, we’ve observed that homeowners typically fall into one of two camps when it comes to exterior house painting. One camp says, “There’s no way I would try to paint my own house. I don’t have the time, equipment, tools, or any desire to get sunburned for half a summer on a stepladder.”…
Read MoreAs we’ve discussed before, exterior paint offers a whole lot more than just style. It’s your home’s first line of defense, acting as a shield against premature rot, decay, sun damage, insects, moisture intrusion, and the list goes on… It’s a big deal. Because of that, it’s important to be aware of your paint’s condition,…
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