Interior Painting

painting a residence in Rye

Stunning Interior Painting Project in Rye, NY

We love our work for all kinds of reasons, and every project we work on has something to appreciate. That said, painting this house in Rye, New York stood out as a special treat! The grand scale and elegant design of this home made it a residential painting project to remember! As you can see,…

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Can I Paint Over Wallpaper?

For anyone who has attempted wallpaper removal in the past, there may be an understandable hesitancy to trying it again. If there was an easier option, it could save a lot of tedious labor and frustration. So could it work to just paint over the wallpaper? Painting over your old wallpaper is a legitimate option,…

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Ideas for painting with chair rail

Paint Ideas with Chair Rail – Interior Painting Tips

 Photo by Mary Cook – Browse bedroom photos A typical wall is filled with the same color from the baseboard to the ceiling or crown molding. Either the whole space is painted a solid color, or it has a consistently-patterned wallpaper. A simple and exciting way to escape this drudgery is to divide your wall…

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What’s the Benefit of a Painter 4A Day?

Do you have a long list of home maintenance and improvement tasks to complete? Sometimes this list includes numerous small painting items. It’s not a situation where you would normally think to call a painting contractor, right? I mean, it’s not like it’s a major redecoration project, after all. Well, that is exactly the time…

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what to do with paint cans

What Should You Do with Your Leftover Paint?

Residential painting is a little like a big family dinner: no matter how well you plan, there are always going to be leftovers. The next question is, what should you do with those leftovers? While some homeowners are tempted to (properly) dispose of the bits left in cans, we have a different alternative to offer.…

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picking a paint brush

What Kind of Paint Brush Should You Use?

We’ve spent a good amount of time in the past talking about how essential it is to work with quality paint products. Bargain options may seem attractive, but at the end of the day they create more work, more expense, and less desirable results. In short, quality matters. Today, let’s take a step back in…

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