As we’ve discussed before, exterior paint offers a whole lot more than just style. It’s your home’s first line of defense, acting as a shield against premature rot, decay, sun damage, insects, moisture intrusion, and the list goes on… It’s a big deal. Because of that, it’s important to be aware of your paint’s condition,…
Read MoreWe recently wrote an article that outlines the importance of investing in a reputable, higher-end painting company, even if theirs isn’t the cheapest estimate in the pile. Analyzing cost versus value makes it clear that the benefits of a job well done offsets a higher price tag, and then some. In case you missed it,…
Read MoreSpring is an opportunity for fresh starts, isn’t it? Something about the climbing temperatures, reappearance of warm sunlight, and refreshing air inspires home improvement projects, both inside and out. So, what’s on your to-do list? If you need a little nudge toward high-value, manageable projects, we have a few tips and ideas for you. Don’t…
Read MoreIf your property is going on the market, you likely are sifting through your home improvement options, trying to find the perfect way to add marketability in a cost-effective way. After all, it’s key that your house stand out from the pack, right? Here are a few tips and strategies to keep in mind! Should…
Read MoreYes. That’s the short answer, but we’re guessing you’d like a little more elaboration to make your click worthwhile (we don’t blame you). What we mean by our rather cryptic “yes” is that each technique has its merit, and which technique you choose needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Some painters are 100%…
Read MoreSpring is right around the corner here in Westchester and Fairfield counties, and we’re more than ready. After a long season of living and working indoors, fresh air and warmer weather sounds fantastic. As you gear up for the new season, this is also the ideal time to put serious thought into your condominium complex’s…
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