Home Maintenance

During Your Next Home Painting Project, Be Sure You Don’t…

When it comes to interior and exterior painting, the difference between “wow” and “what did I do?” is often found in the details. Having the right products, tools, technique, and experience is priceless, and that’s why we suggest finding a reputable professional painter to handle your home improvement goals. If you do decide to take…

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Why Is It So Popular to Paint Your Front Door a Bright Color?

If you like to peruse home improvement websites or treasure troves of inspiration like Houzz.com, you probably have noticed that more and more homeowners are painting their front doors vibrant, attractive colors. We included the idea in our own list of fun ways to add exterior color. So, why exactly is this such a hot…

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best paint for a bathroom

The Best Bathroom Paint for Your Westchester Home

If you have ever tackled this particular project yourself, you know that bathrooms are a tough room to paint! Not only do they have a lot of angles and features to work around, but there also are demands placed on your surfaces unlike those placed on almost any other room in your home. Your kitchen’s…

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A Closer Look At the Cost of Exterior Painting in Westchester, NY

We all want to be able to Google a topic and find our exact, specific answer in seconds. That might work beautifully when you’re looking for the closest, highest-rated pizza place, but it becomes a lot more difficult when you need specific pricing about home improvement. Exterior painting is no exception. While we wish we…

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What’s the Secret to Long-Lasting Exterior Paint?

The painting process is an important investment. It’s fun to apply fresh colors and updated styles, but beyond just aesthetics, exterior paint in particular works hard as the first line of defense for your exterior surfaces. Day in and day out it stands up to wind, rain, snow, and strain from UV rays. Just as…

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How Often Should You Paint Your Home’s Exterior?

How do you know when it’s time to paint your home’s exterior? The automatic answer might be: “When my home obviously needs it.” This makes sense since painting is certainly an investment that you don’t want to make more than is necessary. On the other hand, however, is it really the most cost-effective to wait…

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