Home Maintenance

replacing wood rot is a vital part of exterior paint maintenance

Exterior Maintenance: Right and Wrong Ways to Deal with Wood Rot

Here in the Northeast, most of our homes have exposed exterior wood, whether that be the siding, the fascia, the stairs, the deck, the window and door frames, or all of the above! Additionally, most of our homes are likely, at some point, to experience symptoms of wood rot. Wood rot can happen because of…

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do you know whether deck stain or paint will be more effective?

Is It Better to Paint or Stain My Deck?

What is that magic product that will look perfect on your deck and last halfway to forever? Unfortunately, there is no single product that is best for coating everyone’s deck, and nothing will be as perfect or permanent as we might wish. When you are trying to decide whether to paint or stain your deck,…

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what to do with paint cans

What Should You Do with Your Leftover Paint?

Residential painting is a little like a big family dinner: no matter how well you plan, there are always going to be leftovers. The next question is, what should you do with those leftovers? While some homeowners are tempted to (properly) dispose of the bits left in cans, we have a different alternative to offer.…

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picking a paint brush

What Kind of Paint Brush Should You Use?

We’ve spent a good amount of time in the past talking about how essential it is to work with quality paint products. Bargain options may seem attractive, but at the end of the day they create more work, more expense, and less desirable results. In short, quality matters. Today, let’s take a step back in…

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How Can You Prepare Your Exterior Paint for Winter?

First of all, why bring up winter now? You’re probably trying to enjoy the last bit of summer, maybe squeezing in a vacation, trip to the beach, or soaking up a little extra sunshine before the fall season kicks in. Well, we’re definitely not rushing summer, but painting and home maintenance is most successful when…

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exterior painting tips

What Causes Exterior Paint Failure?

Few things are more frustrating than investing time, money, and sweat in your home’s exterior paint, and then watching your work begin to chip, peel, and flake just a few years later. Or maybe even sooner… The truth is, applying paint my seem fairly easy, but applying it well is a whole different scenario. Professional…

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