Interior Painting

Preparing a Room for Painting: Interior Painting Tips

Professional painters all agree that one of the keys to a spectacular paint job is proper preparation. Not only does preparing a room for painting allow for a more professional, clean appearance, but it also protects drips, splatters and accidental painting of other surfaces.

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Preparing Your Home for Winter: Winterizing Tips

As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, the increasing energy bills give good motivation to prepare your home for winter more thoroughly. Improving the insulation of your home is an important step, but there are also some additional winterizing tips that could save you some serious bills and headaches.

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Decorative Painting – Murals, by A.G. Williams Painting Company

Did you know that murals can be painted onto your ceilings, walls and trim? We can also paint murals on canvas and hang them like wallpaper. This is a beautiful way to express yourself or create a mood for your home.

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